André Heuzé-搜索结果

  • 警察与狗 La course des sergents de ville

    类型:喜剧片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Ferdinand Zecca   编剧:André Heuzé


      A squat, muscular dog steals a leg of lamb or mutton from a butcher shop, and the local constabulary, armed with truncheons, gives chase. Man's best friend, keeping a firm-jowled grip on the meat, leads the town's finest down streets, across boulevards, through a cellar and up the side of the building to a steep roof, then down again, and to his doghouse. The cops gingerly surr...

  • 被拴住的马匹 The Horse that Bolted


    导演:Charles Pathé   编剧:André Heuzé


      查尔斯•百代《被拴住的马匹》(The Horse that Bolted),使用“平行剪辑”的手法。这是电影史上第一次通过新的词汇来表达时间的“同时性”。此影片已经不同于埃德温•史坦顿•鲍特《一个美国消防队员的生活》,镜头表达不再是“后来”发生的事情,而是“与此同时”,这种细小的进步却是电影艺术向前迈向重要的一步。